Major Theme Introduction 主题简介

“Qi Xiang, Xi Chen”

“Qi Xiang” refers to the clarity of the culture of Chinese zodiacs and its various interpretations. However, “Xi Chen” is the representation of a culture that is slowly forgotten: the ancient concept of time, “Shi Chen”.

Chinese zodiacs are common knowledge among the Chinese community, the Chinese are assigned to a birth zodiac as their identities since birth. “Shi Chen” is the standard measurement of time in the olden days, routinely used by the common people to predict fortune and compatibility of love and marriage. The culture of the 12 zodiacs and “Shi Chen” is the quintessence of ancient Chinese wisdom. As a descendant of the Chinese, we should persevere in promoting Chinese culture and heritage, and live out the spirit of “Continuity of culture, Inspiring generations.”.


“启相(qǐ xiàng)”指的是启发及了解生肖属相文化与背后的意义。然而,“熙辰(xī chén )”是为了表达与兴起已被人们淡忘而逐渐较少被应用的古代时辰概念。

生肖乃是华人文化中最广为人知的一员,每一个人从出生起就拥有代表自己的生肖。时辰则是中国古代传统计时单位,除了能影响人们的生活作息,还能推算总结出婚俗吉凶与命运好坏。虽然如此,无论是生肖或是时辰文化,它们都是古代中华民族渊博精深研究出来的。身为炎黄子弟的我们,理当坚持着“继承前代,启发后代” 的精神,坚守并发扬中华传统民俗文化。

Minor Theme Introduction 副题简介

The culture of Chinese zodiacs and “Shi Chen” contains an immense wealth of wisdom. As the continuity and perseverance of culture is the common goal for every Chinese descendant, we should incorporate the wisdom in our daily lives. Besides, we may foster a deeper bonding within the Chinese community through a deeper understanding towards Chinese culture! As a member of the Chinese community, we are obligated to understand and diligently promoting the wisdom behind Chinese zodiacs. A Chinese proverb conveys this perfectly, that valor is an important attribute, in the zeal to promote the continuity and perpetuity of the luscious culture of Chinese zodiacs.

Direction 方向

The Chinese Zodiacs is a 12-year-cycle time system developed by the ancient Chinese civilisation mainly to keep track of years. It consists of 12 different entities, namely Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. As an integral part of Chinese culture, each person is assigned to an animal zodiac according to their birth year. Each of the Chinese Zodiacs are a symbol of auspiciousness for the year it represent in the 12-year cycle system, and are used by the common people to indicate age. As time passed, the Chinese zodiacs became deeply associated with the belief of compatibility, and have since been applied in marriage, fortune and as well as name-giving. As Pesta Tanglung UTM explores the theme of zodiacs in this year’s Mooncake Festivel & Cultural Night 2017, we invite everyone to learn and understand the exciting culture of the 12 Chinese Zodiacs, its origin and the wisdom that it entails.

Logo Explained 徽章简介


Sea waves

The physical characteristics of the waves symbolize the endless and constant reincarnation of the 12 zodiac. In addition, it symbolized the support of the predecessor on the youngs to defy the difficulty and keep on progressing.


Known as the dawn, also represents the meaning of hour. The sunrise represents hope, symbolizing the beginning of life, the beginning of a day. Tang Dynasty famous poet, Bai Juyi’s works “Memories Jiangnan” recorded two sentences depicting Jiangnan spring scenery.

Zodiac Seal

Enlightens the readers of the cultural night theme. This seal is also indirectly brought out the exquisite seal art in the Chinese culture. It is also intangible cultural heritage. The application of Chinese character Xiaozhuan also highlights the unique and graceful structure of Chinese characters.

Deep red circle 

Crimson red is a color signifying stability. Red is the representative color of the Zodiac chicken, which is this year, giving the Chinese a positive upward energetic breath.

Yellow font

Yellow in ancient times is a noble color, a color belongs to the royals. Yellow also represents the light and hope, willingness to be the descendants of the Chinese to shine in this land.

Red background

In Chinese culture, red colour is a symbol of auspicious. The application of red colour also carries the hope of pertuating cultural heritage without forgetting the original intention.


海浪的生态特性象征了源源不绝且不停轮回的十二生肖。除此之外,正所谓:“长江后浪退前浪,浮事新人换旧人。” 象征在前辈的扶持下,新人们会不畏困难挑战,一直不断的进步和前进。


别称是晨曦,也代表着时辰的意思。日出代表希望,象征生命的开端,一天的开始。唐朝著名诗人,白居易的作品《忆江南》记录了两句描绘江南春景的诗 “日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝”。




深红色是低纯度的红色系,并有着稳重的特性。红色是生肖鸡的代表颜色 ,恰巧今年是鸡年, 赋予华夏民族积极向上充满朝气的气息。





Important Details


24&25 Nov 2017




Tasik Ilmu, UTM Johor Bahru.


Tan Tze Kien    014-6152449

Yip Yee Seng  010-4078186


24&25 /11/ 2017




Tasik Ilmu, UTM Johor Bahru.

欲知详情, 请联络:

陈子健   014-6152449

叶宇成   010-4078186

Countdown to Mooncake Festival & Cultural Night









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