About Pesta Tanglung Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (PTUTM)

Pesta Tanglung Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (PTUTM) was founded in 1997 with the aspiration to preserve the Chinese culture by celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Mooncake Festival, among different races of students in the university. In co-operation with the Student Representative Council of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, PTUTM has successfully organized the Mooncake Festival & Cultural Night for the previous years.

Throughout the 20 years, the secretariat had provided a platform for its members to develop personal soft skills and nurture future quality leaders. To a greater extent, PTUTM serves as a medium to break cultural boundaries and to disseminate cultural awareness among the diverse races of university students.

Among all the Mooncake Festival & Cultural Nights held by the local public universities, PTUTM was the first one to hold outdoor. As the event is being carried out in the outdoor, participants will be able to experience the natural ambience of Mooncake Festival & Cultural Night together with friends and families. In addition, we could fully utilize our venue especially the man-made lake to decorate it with breathtaking water lanterns. We also included food stalls, information booths, gaming sites and other decorative structures to make the event merrier.

In conjunction with the Rukun Negara and the ‘1Malaysia’ concept, UTM Mooncake Festival & Cultural Night has set promoting the importance of cultural understanding and mutual tolerance as one of the main objectives. We aim to foster good relationships and to break cultural frontiers among people of different races. Our secretariat will manage this event to be a cultural understanding event.

中秋园游会的历史可追溯到1997年,自工艺大学华裔学生理事会(工华)成立以来,工大中秋晚会和新春资料展都是工大华裔生主办的正式活动。每逢中秋期间,工华都会在Balai Cerapan举行中秋晚会。但后来,由于工华分身乏术,先是于1997年初决定将中秋独立成体,更于1998年11月23日全权将园游会交给中秋俱乐部筹办,本身保留为中秋俱乐部的咨询团体。



Official Logo of Pesta Tanglung UTM


Brings the meaning of honourable and respectable. In the Chinese tradition, purple colour belongs to the royals. One of the prominent example is The Forbidden City (Zi Jing Cheng) in Beijing.

Full Moon

Resembles the brightest Moon on the 15th day of 8th month in lunar calendar. Also used to portray the unity and cohesion among Chinese students in UTM.

City walls

Resembles the unity of every members of PTUTM, an impregnable force, and the energy and determination to perpetuate the Chinese culture.


Cloud and water are always in a cycle, a never ending cycle. Depicting PTUTM will be continuous and perpetual.







