Living Laboratory

Definition and Concept

Living Laboratories (LL) The concept of LL can be interpreted and used as a human-centric research and development approach. LL approach not only focuses on involving students in the development process, but it also strives to facilitate the interaction among other relevant stakeholders, such as academia, researcher, administrative personnel.
UTM Campus Living Lab Framework will eventually strengthen the interactive linkages between the research-teaching-learning-operation whereby it adopts and grows organically by facilitating adaptive governance which involves the co-management and co-implementation of campus sustainability and improves the transformational changes of education for sustainability in institutional setting using the sustainability science approach, an issue-based approach to accommodate interdisciplinary approach in teaching and learning. In this context, it does not only minimize the impact of campus operation on the environment but also provide dynamic teaching and learning platform for students and researchers resulted in robust to learn and test an adaptive management system by involving the three communities.
A university would operate as a fully integrated community that models social and biological sustainability itself. In many cases, people think about education, research, operation as separate activities but they are not actually. Because students learn from everything around them, these activities (E, R, O) form a complex of experience and learning. In order to graduate, students need to overcome this larger, extensive form of learning, education experience must reflect on the intimate connection among curriculum and research; understanding any negative ecological and social footprint of the institution and improve local and regional communities to more healthier and environmentally sustainable.
A university would operate as a fully integrated community that models social and biological sustainability itself. In many cases, people think about education, research, operation as separate activities but they are not actually. Because students learn from everything around them, these activities (E, R, O) form a complex of experience and learning. In order to graduate, students need to overcome this larger, extensive form of learning, education experience must reflect on the intimate connection among curriculum and research; understanding any negative ecological and social footprint of the institution and improve local and regional communities to more healthier and environmentally sustainable.

Key Living Lab Initiatives

Living Lab 1

Sustainable Arcade

Sustainable Arcade is launch by September 8th, 2012 by UTM Pro-Chancellor, Tan Sri Salleh Mohd Nor. It is one of the strategic key initiatives of UTM Campus Sustainability to promote GREEN, HEALTHY AND SAFETY PRACTICE to the consumers and food operator in the food arcade.

Living Lab 2

Green Office

Office environment management system aimed at reducing the impact of office activities on the environment (‘Ecological Footprint’, Carbon Emission)

Living Lab 3

Sustainable Energy Management

Sustainable Energy Management (SEM) is a University-wide commitment program. The University will strive to efficiently manage the consumption of energy in a manner that is consistent with providing a conducive and sustainable campus environment for teaching, learning, research, and intellectual development.

Living Lab 4

Bio Recycling Centre

Food waste and kitchen waste from food arcades around the campus will be collected and mixed with shredded garden waste.

Living Lab 5

Green School

Green school is one of the sustainable campus initiatives which aim to educate all level of school childrens in kindergarden, elementary, primary, secodary and high school students regarding sustainability concepts and issues. 

Living Lab 6

Green Community

Green community is one of the campus initiative which aim to assist the society problems by providing a sustainable solution, beside helping the community by using sustainable approach. 

Living Lab 7

Sustainable Transport

Improving the Public Transport (UTM Shuttle Bus) within campus and Public (State of Johor Free Shuttle) interconnection to an external road of UTM campus

Living Lab 8

Campus Biodiversity

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(+607) 553 3152 / 33151 / 33155


(+607) 553 3149


UTM Campus Sustainability (UTMCS)
Office of Campus Sustainability,
Vice-Chancellor Office,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
81310 Skudai, Johor