Prof. William Oakes, P.E
150th Anniversary Professor
Director, EPICS Program
Professor of Engineering Education


William (Bill) Oakes is a 150th Anniversary Professor, Director of the EPICS Program, Professor of Engineering Education at Purdue University and a registered professional engineer in the U.S..  He is one of the founding faculty members in the School of Engineering Education having had courtesy appointments in Mechanical, Environmental and Ecological Engineering and Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education.  He has been active in dissemination of service-learning at the university and pre-university level, conducting faculty and teacher workshops across the U.S. and in 15 other countries.  He has published more than 100 conference and journal articles and contributing to 13 books including co-authoring the first text for engineering service-learning.  He has received numerous awards for his efforts at Purdue including being elected as a fellow of the Teaching Academy and listed in the Book of Great Teachers. He was the first engineer to receive the U.S. Campus Compact Thomas Ehrlich Faculty Award for Service-Learning.  He was a co-recipient of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering’s Bernard Gordon Prize for Innovation in Engineering and Technology Education and the recipient of the U.S. National Society of Professional Engineers’ Educational Excellence Award.    He is a fellow of the American Society for Engineering Education and the National Society of Professional Engineers.



Dr Grace Ngai

Associate Professor at the Department of Computing at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)

Dr Stephen Chan

Founding Head of the Office of Service-Learning (subsequently renamed SLLO) at PolyU

Grace Ngai is the current Head of the Service-Learning and Leadership Office (SLLO) and an Associate Professor at the Department of Computing at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). Stephen Chan is the founding Head of the Office of Service-Learning (subsequently renamed SLLO) at PolyU from 2011 to 2020 and is currently the Consultant at SLLO.

Grace and Stephen have been at the forefront of PolyU’s academic service-learning programme since its inception in 2012. Stephen was part of the task force helping university management to conceptualise service-learning as an integral component of the PolyU undergraduate curriculum, and Grace was the first coordinator of the subcommittee that oversees the academic service-learning programme. In their separate and complementary roles, they have thus been pivotal in transforming the learning experience of thousands of PolyU students and supported the development of many academic colleagues. Over the past ten years, PolyU has gone from having six service-learning courses enrolling 200 students to almost 70 courses enrolling 4,500 students annually. PolyU’s service projects have also expanded in scope from Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland to Cambodia, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Rwanda, and Vietnam; and the Service-Learning and Leadership Office has been critical to this expansion.

Grace and Stephen have also pioneered innovative pedagogical practices such as multicultural student teams through partnerships with local NGOs, SL exchange and internship programmes, and innovative ‘global SL classroom’ initiatives etc. Their achievements in SL education are well recognized and made them the recipients of the Hong Kong University Grants Committee Teaching Award in 2016. They have been invited to share SL experience in many local, national, and international academic activities, and have been published a number of book chapters and papers on international journals about service-learning.


Dr. Ir. Ujang Khairul, M.P
Ketua Badan Pengelola (BP) Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN)
Universitas Andalas

Dr.Ir. Ujang Khairul. MS. Lahir di Kerinci, 27 Juli 1967. Menamatkan pendidikan Doktor (S3) di IPB Bogor tahun 2005.  Bertugas sebagai Staf Pengajar di Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas. Saat ini menjabat sebagai Kepala Unit Pelaksana Teknis Kuliah Kerja Nyata (UPT KKN) Universitas Andalas. Aktif dalam berbagai kegiatan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dengan melibatkan mahasiswa melalui KKN tematik. Pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui KKN yang telah dilakukan oleh Universitas Andalas dengan beberapa kementerian adalah: KKN Tematik Desa Sejahtera Mandiri (Kementerian Sosial), KKN Tematik Infrastruktur Pemukiman (Kementerian PUPR), KKN Tematik Gerakan Revolusi Mental (Kementerian Koordinator PMK), KKN Tematik Pengelolaan Hutan Berbasis Masyarakat (Kementerian Kehutanan dan REDD+), KKN Tematik Kebencanaan dan Pembinaan UMKM (Badan Sertifikasi Nasional) dan beberapa KKN Tematik kerjasama dengan Dinas dan Badan di lingkungan Provinsi Sumatera Barat.  Aktif sebagai pembicara dalam berbagai kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang melibatkan mahasiswa KKN baik di tingkat lokal maupun nasional. Saat ini menjadi reviewer di beberapa Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat di Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Andalas.   



Assoc. Professor Dr. Dr. Mohd Hisyam Rasidi
Department of Landscape Architechture,
Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

Prof. Madya Ts Dr. Mohd Hisyam Rasidi merupakan seorang Pensyarah Kanan di Fakulti Alam Bina dan
Ukur, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Beliau juga memegang jawatan sebagai Pengarah
UTMAlumni sejak tahun 2019. Beliau memperolehi Diploma Senibina (1996) dan Sarjana Muda
Senibina Landskap (2000) dari UTM. Pada tahun 2005, beliau menerima Ijazah Sarjana dalam
Rekabentuk Perbandaran dari Oxford Brookes Universiti, United Kingdom dan memperolehi Ijazah
Doktor Falsafah dalam bidang “Regional Environment System”dari Shibaura Institute of Technology,
Tokyo. Beliau telah berkhidmat selama 21 tahun di Universiti Teknologi Malaysia sebagai pensyarah.
Sebelum itu, PM Ts. Dr. Mohd Hisyam Rasidi bekerja sebagai Akitek Landskap di Firma Perunding
Landskap Antarabangsa (Belt Collins International) di Singapura. Beliau mempunyai minat yang
mendalam dalam pembangunan komuniti dan juga mengaplikasikan pendekatan service learning
dalam pengajaran beliau. Diantara projek komuniti dan service learning yang berjaya ialah Projek
Persekitaran Lestari Flat Taman Plentong Utama, Johor Bahru, Program Bangsa Johor Bahagia, Rumah
Pangsa Kangkar Pulai, Pembangunan Eko Warisan Pulau Tanjung Surat, Pengerang, Program
Persekitaran Lestari FELDA dan Pembangunan Persekitaran Lestari Pangsapuri Bukit Puchong. Beliau
juga secara aktif telah terlibat dengan pelbagai program pembangunan komuniti di negara Kemboja.
Dengan pelbagai pengalaman beliau, beliau telah menjadi penulis buku HIEPs Jabatan Pengajian
Tinggi, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi dan juga menjadi Penceramah Service Learning di beberapa
universiti tempatan. PM. Ts Dr Mohd Hisyam Rasidi juga merupakan seorang profesional dalam bidang
Rekabentuk Perbandaran dan Landskap serta menjadi Ahli Profesional Teknologis yang berdaftar
dengan Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT)